Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hail storms in Colorado Springs

We have had more than our share of hail storms already this season here in the Springs. In order to have any kind of successful garden at all, it is almost imperative to have some kind of cover for your garden...not only to protect it from the hail, but also to keep the little critters out. We have chosen to make our cover out of shade screen...the same kind that you use to repair your window or door screens. You can find it at Lowe's or Home Depot. I would love to have a screened enclosure for my garden that looks really pretty, but my dear husband doesn't really see the need for that as long as it serves its purpose, which it pretty much has. Occasionally, we will get a bird or a squirrel that has found its way under the screen, but then I just go out and chase them out. The funny thing is that once they get in there, the can't seem to find their way out, even with the door wide open. It usually takes awhile to chase them out...thank goodness this does not happen very often. 

New Home Storage Specialist for Ridgeview Ward

Leslie Fife has been called as the new home storage specialist for Ridgeview Ward. I'm very excited to see some great new fresh ideas come from Leslie, as she is really excited about her new responsibilities. Check the blog from time to time, as I have asked her for articles to post here.